

I practically grew up with a camera in my hand. If it wasn't a Polaroid camera, it was a toy camera made out of pieces of paper stuck together with way too much glue. It wasn't until ten years ago that I bought my very first DSLR and decided that this was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life: Photography/editing. I started like every photographer does after graduating college and headed out into the unknown to take pictures of landscapes, abandoned building and cemeteries. I needed to be challenged; I wanted to further my skills in Photoshop, lighting and the human form. Soon after, I moved to people being the subject, not the landscape. I accelerated at an extremely fast pace but felt I needed to learn more. I was extremely lucky to link up and be under the wing of a very talented mentor, Craig Fouts, who has shown me so much in the world of fashion, product, advertisement and editing. After two years I became an employee with him and his business partner. You can see our work at Quroscuro.
I believe that in this career, you can never stop learning. I will continue to push forward, becoming better and share my work with the world and those that want to learn.